Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

The Anatomy of A True Friends

Eyes :will always see you for your true self .will always see the best in you .

Ears :will always have them open to listen .to really hear what you are saying .

mouth :to always tell you the truth and give their thoughts .to help through things if life gets messy .

shoulder :will be your strength when you can't carry yourself .will always let you lean on and cry on them .

arms :will always offer hugs .will always make you feel comfortable .

hands :to hold yours when you need a little guidance .to help you get up when you may fall .

heart :to love you for who you are .will always have a place for you .

feet :to walk with you throughout your life .to be very best friend they can be .

-thanks for all .my best friends :D-

1 komentar:

Merliza mengatakan...

that's what friends are for :)

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